Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Reviews of Dial Mfg. 7619 Digital Cooler Controller

Dial Mfg. 7619 Digital Cooler Controller
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $41.99
Sale Price: $39.99
Today's Bonus: 5% Off
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First thanks to BIC Warehouse for excellent customer service.

I have used this Controller for over five years. I was able to install the original when replacing an older evaporative cooler. This made the wiring and installation relatively simple. Although fitting it in a standard electric box took a great deal of effort.

Recently I had to replace the original Controller as five quick power surges in the span of a few minutes shorted it out.

Dial is still using the same design. It works very well and makes my evaporative cooler much more convenient to use. Having a thermostat to cycle the cooler on and off is well worth the effort.

However, I have given it four stars instead of five for two drawbacks. As another reviewer has noted, it has a delay before coming on. This is to allow the pads to get wet, but the delay is a ridiculously long four minutes. Maybe a commercial installation might need four minutes, but for residential it is way too long and it happens every time even if the pump is not turned on. Quite honestly the only time the delay to wet the pads is needed is if the unit has been off for a very long time and even then it does not need to be four minutes.

Second, it would be nice if you could leave the fan running and have the pump cycle on and off as the thermostat engages or disengages the evaporative cooler.

Those are design changes that Dial should make. I would gladly pay an additional $10 or so for these two conveniences. Guess I should write Dial a letter but hopefully they will read this. (Update: I did write to Dial and never heard back) The Controller itself is excellent and very useful for anyone with an evap cooler.

I've also used the plug in type similar to the Lux WIN100 Heating & Cooling Programmable Outlet Thermostat and can recommend them as well for a cheaper and easier installation.

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Having tried very similar units in the past with very disappointed results I was pleased to see this one works as advertised. I thought that since the company selling this thing is based in Phoenix they would not put an inferior product out there without having angry villagers storming their headquarters. But as another reviewer said, the 4 minute pad wetting cycle every time it turns on is ridiculous and it does generate a fair bit of it's own heat. I guess you need to pay quite a bit more to get a smarter one than only has a pad wetting cycle after the pump has not run for a certain time. As for the heat generated, if it makes any difference it just means the cooler will operate a bit more, here in the Sonoran Desert that's not a bad thing! And while it is said to fit in a 2x4 junction box, that's true, it will fit. But when you add the necessary wires and wire nuts behind it, good luck! I tried very hard to arrange the wiring so as to allow enough room for the controller but the best I could get was about a half inch protrusion from the box. The screws provided are long enough that it will mount that way and work. Sloppy looking but in a single box that's going to be an issue.

Best Deals on Dial Mfg. 7619 Digital Cooler Controller

I have a swamp cooler in my house. I couldn't deal with the silly simple switches anymore, so I replaced them with this. Every time I come into my house, I look at this thing (LOL), as it's very nice to now have a cool house when I get home from work. If you do have trouble getting this to work, check your wiring and see if there's a short. That's what my problem was: when the fan turned on, the (old) wires would short out the pump. Thank you Dial Mfg.

Honest reviews on Dial Mfg. 7619 Digital Cooler Controller

This thing is totally worth the money. I was a little skeptical, but after installing it and using it all summer I couldn't be happier.

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We like the controller but it could use a faster start up as others have said. In addition, we would like it a bit better if the unit had a back light so we wouldn't have to turn the hall lights on to view the settings.

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