My 1st 12-cup Farberware peculator was a gift from my brother to convince me that perked is better than drip. He convinced me with just 1 cup. He purchased the peculator for less than $30 in upstate NY and it lasted for more than 8 years. My 2nd Farberware peculator was less than $40 (bought at K-Mart) and lasted around 3 or 4 years. My 3rd Farberware peculator cost around $50 (bought at JCP) and lasted less than 2 years. My determination to buy a peculator that lasted as long as my first has just died along with my 4th and LAST Farberware peculator that cost me more than $60 (also bought at JCP). In between the 12-cup Farberware peculators I purchased over the year, I tried several other brands but kept coming back to Farberware. I love the sleek, classy sturdy structure of the 12-cup stainless steel design, but the heating element in this peculator keeps burning out way to quickly. I wish Farberware would make their peculators the way they used to 20 years ago because THEY WERE THE BEST and that's unfortunate.
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I had had this percolater for a minimum of 6 years for longer,and it works perfectly brews quickly and stores with minimum space.I am currently looking to purchase another one, only because I gave mine to my son.This product is well worth every dime.The only difference is I had the 2-4 cup size.I believe you will be as pleased as I am.I kept it clean by percking water and white vinegar.
Best Deals on Farberware Millennium Best Brew Percolator -- FCP-240 -- Great 2-4
It used to be that newlyweds would receive a Farberware percolator coffee pot as a wedding gift and could be assured of two things: 1) there would be at least one delicious thing coming out of the kitchen and 2) it was so well made that the life of the coffee pot would probably outlast the life of the typical American marriage. But alas, no more. I don't know what has happened at Farbarware except that maybe a company named APPLICA seems to be making their products now and slapping the Farberware name on the side! Have the bean counters and the marketeers gotten together and decided that a coffee pot with a short life is a good ROI?
Farberware's motto is: Founded over 100 years ago, the Farberware®name has stood for value, quality and durability. This commitment to the customer continues to this day.
Hmmm, I think not.
As the other reviewers noted, this percolator produces a superb cup of coffee good straight ahead American coffee. Unfortunately, my pot worked for ---one year and a day!
I will not buy another Farberware percolator until the companies realign their priorities. Off, now, for a sad cup of tea as my percolator sits, cold and dead.
Honest reviews on Farberware Millennium Best Brew Percolator -- FCP-240 -- Great 2-4
I have been using the Faberware 4-6 and 6-8 cup perculators for several years. They were once an excellent product. I will have a better idea of how good the Millenium is after several months (If it last that long). Initially, these perculators had two pronged plugs and you could get a pretty good jolt from them if you placed your hand on a metal sink and the other on the pot wiping it off as it started up. The new pots have a grounded plug making it a lot safer. I went so far as to change the receptacle to a ground fault detector just in case. These pots have a tendancy to fail rather quickly if used 2 to 4 times daily. I had one last year (A 6-8 cup) only last 2 months! I don't know what the difference is between the Millenium and the non-millenium. They have the same model number. A few days ago I noticed three different listings on Amazon for a 4-6 cup model with the same model number and three different prices from $41.00 to $70.00. The only difference was the word Millenium on one of them. All I can say about the pot is that it makes an excellent cup of coffee in 5 minutes. When I compared my old 4-6 cup to the new one, there was a noticeable difference in the quality.
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Farberware Millennium Best Brew Percolator -- FCP-240 -- Great 2-4
Drink only 2 cups of coffee per week so this is the ideal size. Easy to clean. Small storage space. Brews in 3 minutes.

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