Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Cheap Honeywell HZ-690 7 Fin Oil Filled Radiator Heater

Honeywell HZ-690 7 Fin Oil Filled Radiator Heater
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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I got a one-month propane bill for $300 this winter and I hadn't even had the house comfortably warm. Overwhelmed at the cost of the bill, I sought an alternative. Since it was an exceptionally cold winter, it seemed there were no heaters to be found anywhere. Locating one at a Target, I purchased it as the only option available to me.

It was such a toasty, seep-into-your-bones kind of warm I decided to buy a second one. This has kept me very comfortable. It's such a welcome heating choice. Even my cat loves it. I can find her snuggled RIGHT next to one or the other of the heaters. It's a safe kind of heater too. Sometimes the cat will actually curl into contact with the heater. She'll sleep quite happily there until at last she gets too hot. When that happens she leaps away from the heater, giving me a very dirty look like it was all my fault. Silly cat.

The BIG advantage though is the cost savings. My $300 propane refill bill went to $0 (my tank hasn't needed refilling yet!) My electric bill did go up though (as one would naturally expect). The electric bill? $30 higher than the previous month!

So in effect, I purchased two of these heaters and paid $30 more in electricity and still came out ahead of that horrendous propane bill of the month before. From $300 for heating to $30.


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With the cost of natural gas way up last winter, I wanted to see if I could save money by using supplemental heating in some parts of the house. I bought this one to use in my daughter's bedroom at night because I figured it was safer than a coil heater.

The Honeywell 690 has more than met my expectations. It is odorless and silent (except a very quiet click when the thermostat goes on and off), easy to adjust and move around, and on its lowest setting (which I use exclusively), it is hot, but not too hot to touch. I'm able to turn the house furnace down as low as I dare (to about 50...don't want to freeze my pipes) while my daughter stays nice and cozy in her bedroom. And I really didn't notice any increase in my electric bill. But while everyone I know was passing out over their gas bills, mine was quite reasonable all winter.

The nature of an oil-filled heater is that it takes time to heat a room, but then it does a fantastic job of keeping the temperature steady. You don't have a super hot zone right next to the heater with it cold everywhere else. In areas where we want quick, brief periods of heat (bathroom, kitchen table), I'm using fan-assisted coil heaters. But in rooms where the occupants will be spending hours (bedrooms, family room, home office), the slow, steady heat of the Honeywell 690 is perfect.

I was so pleased with how well this performed last winter, I'm going to get one for my bedroom this winter.

Note: If you buy one and it has anything beyond maybe a slight smell the first hour of usage, take it back for an exchange. I'm very sensitive to odors, and I never smelled anything with this heater.

Best Deals on Honeywell HZ-690 7 Fin Oil Filled Radiator Heater

With the cost of natural gas way up last winter, I wanted to see if I could save money by using supplemental heating in some parts of the house. I bought this one to use in my daughter's bedroom at night because I figured it was safer than a coil heater.

The Honeywell 690 has more than met my expectations. It is odorless and silent (except a very quiet click when the thermostat goes on and off), easy to adjust and move around, and on its lowest setting (which I use exclusively), it is hot, but not too hot to touch. I'm able to turn the house furnace down as low as I dare (to about 50...don't want to freeze my pipes) while my daughter stays nice and cozy in her bedroom. And I really didn't notice any increase in my electric bill. But while everyone I know was passing out over their gas bills, mine was quite reasonable all winter.

The nature of an oil-filled heater is that it takes time to heat a room, but then it does a fantastic job of keeping the temperature steady. You don't have a super hot zone right next to the heater with it cold everywhere else. In areas where we want quick, brief periods of heat (bathroom, kitchen table), I'm using fan-assisted coil heaters. But in rooms where the occupants will be spending hours (bedrooms, family room, home office), the slow, steady heat of the Honeywell 690 is perfect.

I was so pleased with how well this performed last winter, I'm going to get one for my bedroom this winter.

Note: If you buy one and it has anything beyond maybe a slight smell the first hour of usage, take it back for an exchange. I'm very sensitive to odors, and I never smelled anything with this heater.

Honest reviews on Honeywell HZ-690 7 Fin Oil Filled Radiator Heater

It takes a few hours on the high setting, but it can warm up my small basement real good. Then I turn it to medium or low during the night, so I can get out of bed real comfortable in the morning. Dandy thing.

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I bought this heater at Target for $27 bucks.. set it up at my in-laws room and it works great. the room was warm and cozy and they got good night sleep... I await to see the electic bills.. I am sure it will be cheaper than warming up the entire house...

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