I have a medium open living/dining area with high ceilings. I, like most wanted something to help with the heating costs. This machine worked well during the day when I had it running on high with the fireplace going and would warm the room to 70-71 degrees. At night, I put the central gas heat on 64, turned off the fireplace and left the Edenpure running on high. When I woke up, the room was 64, just as I had set the thermostat on the central heat. So needless to say, it did not work at all as the main heat was kicking on. I also do not like the fact that there is no digital thermostat but just several lines to indicate the level of heat and there is no timer. I actually have ordered another similar unit from Home Depot that has both of these features, has two more additional heating elements and is supposed to heat up a 1500 sq foot room and only cost $259 with free shipping. And of course the added bonus of being able to return it directly to the local store if I do not like it. This Edenpure I purchased is rated to heat 1000 sq feet. So, I personally cannot recommend this product.
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Consumer Reports, February 10, 2010:
Heating Claims Don't Add Up
Manufacturers of electric space heaters want you to believe that using one of their devices will lower your heating bill. Lowering your home's thermostat(s) and using your main heating system less in tandem with a space heater--called zone heating--will cut your utility bill. (Every degree you lower the thermostat(s) can save you about 2 percent on your heating bill.) But keep in mind that based on current national average prices and adjusting for the energy losses due to burning a fuel, heating with electricity is about two and a half times more expensive than heating with gas, the most common heating fuel in this country.
EdenPure suggests that "you can turn the heat down in your house as low as 50°F, yet the room you are in will be warm and comfortable. When you move to another room, the EdenPure goes with you. Its wheels make relocation a snap." That scenario assumes that you have to heat only a single room to heat at a time or that you own multiple EdenPure space heaters; that once you're in a room you stay put and don't move around the house; and that you're willing to keep the rest of your home at a chilly 50°F. Lowering the thermostat(s) by 3°F would likely result in minimal discomfort for you and your family, but are you willing to keep your home at 50°F?
...Its design essentially negates the radiant-heating effect, so it operates more like a typical fan-forced convection heater. While a fan can help mix the room air, there is typically some temperature variation, with cooler air near the floor and warmer air near the ceiling.
Humidity Information Seems All Wet
EdenPure says its heaters "protects the humidity level and air quality important to breathing comfort and personal health," and also notes that "Heat from the copper tubing rides the humidity in the room and provides moist, soft heat--ceiling-to-floor, wall-to-wall--without reducing oxygen or humidity."
Simply put, when you heat a room with any space heater and don't also have an additional source of humidity, say a humidifier, the total moisture in the air in that space will stays the same but the relative humidity will go down, not up. That's true for every space heater we've tested...
Best Deals on New EdenPURE Infrared Heater US1000
We needed a heater for our fifth wheel and I prefer products made in the USA (especially electric products), so after reviewing many heaters decided on the Edenpure. It really does the job! Saved quite a bit on propane and heats the whole 5th wheel. Plus it's a lot quieter than our furnace. We've been extremely pleased.
Honest reviews on New EdenPURE Infrared Heater US1000
Years ago,I purchased two Edenpure, very efficient and safe,model Gen 3 heaters. One of the heaters was a refurbished model. Both heaters worked great, until the refurbished heater stopped producing heat. I called the company, being that a refurbished hearter did not carry a regular warranty, I could not get help..not even a timely answer from the on line trouble shooting expert. It was the Christmas vacation week for my grandchildren who were coming to stay with me in upstate NY., and without two heaters, my home is really cold. After a long wait for the online company representative to get back to me, only for him to write back stating that he lost my e-mail and what was my heater problem. I wrote him back, but again never recieved answered, and with the nearest repair shop for these heaters hundreds of miles away from my home, I went to BJ's store to see what brands of heaters they had available. To my surprise BJ's had 1 Edenpure US1000, which I purchased. Edenpure has made some changes;the US1000 heater uses three bulbs instead of the 5 bulbs as in the original heaters and I believe runs a bit cooler, not giving the wide spectrum of heat output as the older models did. The Edenpure is a safe and attractive looking heater, and I feel very comfortable when my grndchildren are at my home, knowing that they will not be harmed by any heating elements.
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I bought 2! The heater works very well. We run it in the room where our TV and thermostat are located. It raises the temperature to around 72 degrees, which keeps the heat from coming on. As long as we stay in that room, it's nice. The rest of the 1st floor of the house gets very cold unless we run the second heater in another room. These are idea for trailers or small homes. If you have a bigger house you may want to buy a couple of them but, would you really be saving any money then???.

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