Customer Ratings: 
List Price: $540.00
Sale Price: $325.00
Today's Bonus: 40% Off

First of all, I am no home fixit guy. I did some Internet research and decided that the even though the Nest was much cooler looking it might (and I didn't test it of course) not learn as well as it advertised. So I decided to get a more conventional thermostat that had all the Internet bells and whistles. Long story short I installed it with absolutely no problems, including connecting it to my WI-FI. In less than an hour I had my Ecobee portal and was programmed. I love the remote acessability and reports. I can access it from a browser, iPhone and iPad. Lots of configurability and the daily schedule is easy to change. They can update the SW over the Net so I am pretty confident it will just get better. The display is simple and direct (not though as simple as the Nest). There are some menus but they are very well done and very easy to learn. Kudos to this well thought out product.
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The feature set is perfect for what I need. Ecobee's Privacy Policy is first class, unlike their competitors. Venstar's policy is non-compliant with the law, cavalier with your data and they don't care. The Nest policy reads as if they're planning to renegue and turn YOU into the product when they build enough users.
Alas, SmartSI won't won't work with my configuration. I have an AC unit and oil burner. The oil burner does not produce the required 24V signal, and the unit will not operate with just the 24V signal coming from the AC unit.
The support desk was responsive, but not all that helpful. They kept sending diagrams of configurations that didn't match what my AC service man was describing. After spending 2 hours and $200 trying to get it installed, I ended up returning the unit. We'll see if Alpine dings me 10% for opening the box and cracking the binding on the installation manual.
Best Deals on ecobee EB-EMSSi-01 2 Heat 2 Cool Energy Management System
I installed the Ecobee in about 45 minutes, liked it so much I bought 2 more for rental properties. There is absolutely nothing not to like about this. These people who said it wasnt "compatible" with their system probably just dont know how to read the manual. You have to tell it what type of system you haveheat pump, gas furnace + AC etc.... This thing is so smart it knows ho wlong it takes yoru HVAC to heat or cool your house so if you program it to turn up the heat at say 7AM, it can be set up to make sure it's warmed up BY 7AM. I think the thig I love most about the Ecobee is the ability to wake up in the morning & turn up the heat without getting out of bed. By the way, Amazon has the best price anywhere on this.
Honest reviews on ecobee EB-EMSSi-01 2 Heat 2 Cool Energy Management System
I already had installed an Ecobee Smart Thermostat on one of the HVAC systems in the house and was very pleased. The only negatives were the cost and the need to install the remote control board in the air handler. While I understand the significant advantages to this design, it makes the installation a bit more complicated and intimidating. The new Si model is affordable and very easy to install. In fact, I purchased 2 of them for the other zones in the house and had them both installed and running in about 30 minutes total. I'm very pleased with the Ecobee offering and would highly recommend it without hesitation.
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Tired of physically programming multiple thermostats for shifting schedules, we decided to try two ecobee EB-EMSSi-01 units. We loved the way they worked and the ability to manage them remotely. We now have eight. The "Calendar" feature, enabling us to program for special events outside of our normal schedule, is especially helpful. With the control we now have we are experiencing a more comfortable building and expect cost savings, too.

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