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List Price: $210.00
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Edit 2/24/2012: I wrote this review several years ago. The machine broke down after a year or so, and I put off replacing it. However, I've wanted to start making espresso again and so, remembering how much I liked this one, I picked up another one.
It's pretty much just how I remember it, and the instructions I wrote below still work. There are a couple of things I've noticed, though. First, the maker no longer comes with sample E.S.E pods. That was disappointing. Also, the bottom of the filter handle (where the coffee comes out of) is plastic if you use a hand-held tamper, make sure you don't press too hard and damage the pour spouts.
Also, I've moved from the Midwest to the East Coast, and it's still nice to have good espresso and capuccino in your own house.
Otherwise, it's still a sold four-star machine.
Original review:Despairing of ever finding decent espresso in the Midwest, I finally broke down and decided to get a home espresso machine. I had worked as a barrista, and had sipped espresso in Italy, so I had some idea of how it should taste.
Being relatively poor, I wanted a machine that would deliver a decent espresso, at a decent price. Though I was willing to consider a system with proprietary coffee pods (K-cups, Tassimo, etc), it would have to be cheap enough that I wouldn't mind shelling out the extra bucks for the coffee itself. And I also wanted to make sure that it was pump-driven, not steam-driven.
After checking reviews and looking around, I finally settled on the DeLonghi BAR32. It's a pump-driven maker, not steam driven, so it's not scorching the grounds as it brews. And it comes with a single and a double espresso filter.
The DeLonghi uses either ground espresso, or E.S.E. espresso pods. The E.S.E. pods are not proprietary any company can make them. The DeLonghi comes with a package of 18 Illy pods (retail $12). The pods are convenient, but still expensive.
I've had the espresso maker for several days, and I'm happy with it so far. With the pods, it pulls a good single espresso with a satisfactory crema. Sugar floats on top of the crema for about 2-3 seconds, and it has a nice golden color. The espresso tastes very smooth.
Pulling a good single espresso, either with the pods or loose coffee, is pretty easy. Use the pods as a good judge of how tightly to pack the grounds in the filter. Use a level, loosely packed scoop of coffee for a single shot.
Pulling a good double, on the other hand, still eludes me. The best I've come up with is to use 2 scoops, 3/4 full and loosely packed, and pressed looser than for a single. Even then, it still dribbles out slowly, with a less-than-satisfactory (though present) crema.
The steam wand works very well. I've made several excellent cappuccinos and lattes with it. It's a little cramped to use, so I pull mine to the edge of the counter so that I can get a good mug under it. I steam straight into the mug of milk, and then add the espresso. Make sure to blow some steam through it to clear out condensation before putting it in your milk. Start with the steam wand nearly submerged in the milk, and then slowly pull it out (lower the mug) until you hear a gentle "sipping" sound. That means that it's frothing. If you see noticeable bubbles on top of the milk, that means you've pulled it out too far dip it back in slowly and you should be able to whip the bubbles into froth. Once the froth is just below the level you want it, submerge the wand back into the milk to finish heating it. Listen again once the milk starts to sound "hollow," it's nearly hot enough. Let it go for a few more seconds, then shut off the steam, and remove the mug. The wand will drip a bit, so put it over the drip tray or an empty mug.
Making espresso is fairly easy. Turn the machine to "Heat" to start heating the water and priming the pump. Make sure the filter holder is screwed into the machine. Once the "Hot" light comes on, run an espresso cycle without coffee into the cup you'll use pulling espresso into a cold cup will ruin the flavor. Fill the cup half-way with hot water, and turn the machine back to "Heat." Empty and quickly dry the espresso cup. Put the E.S.E. pod or ground espresso into the filter (tamp down the loose espresso) and twist it into the machine. Turn the machine on, and wait until you've got your cup of espresso. A single espresso should be 30-40ml, or 1-1.5oz. I used a measuring cup to see what that looked like in my demitasse cups.
Looking back over what I've written, I suppose I do make it look a little complicated. And it is a little bit more complicated that popping the K-cup into the machine, and hitting "Go." But it really is pretty easy, and less than 5 minutes pass between "You know, I could go for a cappuccino," and "Man, that's a tasty cappuccino."
Good pressure
Easy to make a good single shot of espresso
Uses pods or loose grounds
2 dials + 0 buttons = easy to use
Outstanding steam wand
32oz water reservoir lets you make 3 or 4 cappuccinos, or 6 to 8 espressos, without refilling
Built-in tamper means one less part to lose
Pre-heat cycle helps make good espresso
Hard to make a good double espresso (might just be me)
Steam wand leaks slightly (usually at the start of a brewing cycle I just keep mine over the drip tray)
In the end, the machine makes a good espresso, especially for the price, but remember that you're not going to be running a coffee shop with it. I definitely recommend it for anybody who wants to make their own espresso, but wants to do it for under $200.
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I have purchased this machine from Amazon on June 2006, that's 16 months ago and I have been using this coffee maker every day, usually 2 to 3 times a day. A few words about me, I grew up in Italy, lived there for over 20 years and I still go visit my country for at least a month every year so I should know about coffee, right? DeLonghi is considered a good brand in Italy, I'm not sure about customer service in the U.S. since I never had to contact them; my aunt in Italy has an identical machine with no complaints. I'm not sure about the complaints I read here. Some people say it takes too long to heat up the water... I usually turn it on 15 minutes before making the espresso and the water gets really hot, if you think that's too long then you've never used an espresso machine before, it's very average as a matter of fact. Sorry, but that's not the machine's fault, it's the way it is with all machines. Coffee shops machines need one hour sometimes longer to heat up. Others have complained about the steamer leaking a bit... NO KIDDING! It's called vapor condensation, if you think that's a machine issue I recommend going back to school and taking Physics 101. Not usually a big deal for me, just keep the steamer over the tray and the problem is solved... it's only a drop or two anyway.
Some have written about the coffee not being very strong, true it could be stronger but if you make the right dose it's ok. I get my coffee in Italy and, you want to trust me on this, if you're not using good ground coffee to start with you're not going to get a good espresso. Forget that Starbucks junk, this machine makes a much better espresso if you use it right with the right coffee.
I'm not saying it's perfect, but for this price it gets really good, hard to find better. Forgive me for my somewhat sarcastic remarks, but I have the feeling that most of the people who complained about this machine have issues related to "Operator's Error" and not the machine itself.
One note though about the frother (I've seen better construction), remove the plastic part and it works much better.
I used both Illy pods and ground coffee and I like both. Illy is considered a high quality coffee.
For the past 16 months it has worked great for me and I'm sure it will again tomorrow morning. Remember not to let the water reservoir go dry or you will burn the pump, again "Operator's Error" not machine's.
To the guy who grinds his own beans not espresso fine... Operator's Error! Espresso machines need espresso ground coffee not larger grains. I still have to find a grinder in the US that can make fine espresso ground without costing an arm and a leg. One more thing: make sure you use bottled water (I use spring water) because tap water contains more limestone and can ruin the pump in the long run.
By the way, all the customers images are mine (as of today October 8th 2007), glad to see so many people enjoyed them.
Update: October 24th
Over 2 years, and still working great! :) I used it about twice a day.
Best Deals on De'Longhi BAR32 Retro 15 BAR Pump Espresso and Cappuccino Maker
I've been a coffee snob for several years have several brewing machines scattered throughout my kitchen. Since I got this machine xmas morning, all the others brewing systems have become obsolete.
It produces plenty of steam in a jiff, and the removable water tank is very handy (especially for use with my water filter). While I scoffed at the thought of using the ESE pre-packed espresso pods, it came with a tin of them, so I tried them out since all local coffee houses were closed (and I had no beans!). The ESEs make a pass-able cup of espresso--not the darkest roast, but the convenience of a pod is handy. I have some Major Dikason's blend from Peets which I made regular espresso and Americanos out of. Delicious, thick, creamy.
This machine is a steal at this price. I've had to get the hang of packing my grounds in the handle, however. If I pack too tightly, the cream only comes out as a trickle. I suppose that's the case with most home machines, however. Also, it has a built in tamper on the frame of the machine, and I consider that to be a bit of a mess and kind of sketchy. Go buy a tamper sperately.
This is a great little machine. For any price under $200 it's a steal.
Honest reviews on De'Longhi BAR32 Retro 15 BAR Pump Espresso and Cappuccino Maker
Primary Complaint Classification: Service Issues
Secondary Complaint Classification: Product Quality
Received as gift from, 12/25/04. After 5 weeks of occasional use, the rubber gasket which holds the screen snugly inside the filter head began to split. Within 2 weeks the entire gasket had broken completely apart and rendered this $100 machine unuseable for want of this cheap, tiny part.
I went to DeLonghi's website to locate a replacement part, but the site has never been put fully online since it was first enabled in March of 2004, and the features I needed were unavailable.
I then called the phone number in the product documentation and received a DeLonghi automated menu. After I made my selection from the menu I was told "This number is no longer in service," and was disconnected. I tried every menu option and received the same message and disconnection every time.
Attempts to locate contact information for DeLonghi's corporate headquarters (through investment websites)also failed. indicated that they would not replace the product as it was beyond their 30-day returns window, and that I would have to take it up with DeLonghi directly. Obviously, I had already attempted this and it had proved impossible. After browsing reviews by buyers of other DeLonghi products, it appears I am not alone in my complaints of poor product quality and non-existent customer service from DeLonghi. Caveat emptor.
Now I have a $100, fancy Italian-designed paperweight taking up counter space and what I need is a cup of coffee. My hope is that you have some means of contacting DeLonghi and finding out why they refuse to stand behind their products. I understand that I may have to accept the $100 loss incurred by my purchase of their terrible product, but I think other consumers should be made aware of the risks they make in buying from DeLonghi America Inc. before they make the same expensive mistake I did.
Desired Settlement: Refund
Desired Settlement Explanation :
Although the part needed is small (and undoubtedly cheap), I'm reluctant to have any further dealings with DeLonghi America Inc. or their products. I would like a full refund so that I may purchase an espresso maker that works, from a company that will make good on the buyer-seller contract.
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for De'Longhi BAR32 Retro 15 BAR Pump Espresso and Cappuccino Maker
Like many of you, I pored over the Amazon customer reviews of many espresso makers before making my purchase. I was replacing a cheap Mr. Coffee device that was a lemon. I have been making espresso and cappuccino for many years using the department store-grade articles that come with a four (espresso)-cup carafe and controls consisting of an on-off switch and a steam valve and I was very satisfied with the flavor of the product. However, I was never able to reproduce the lovely crema of the espresso I enjoyed in Italy or of our better baristas in the U.S. but that was just an aesthetic compromise. Other customers' comments encouraged me to consider a pump-driven espresso maker, so I took a chance with this one: it seemed to be in the middle of the price range and most customers were pleased with the results they got, although some unhappy folks obviously bought defective devices and were dissatisfied with DeLonghi's customer service. For me, so far, so good and I am delighted with the results. Although making espresso with the DeLonghi requires a bit more attention than the less expensive basic models I'd grown used to, it is a minor compromise. This machine makes superb and beautiful espresso. Because the water is drawn from a 35-oz. reservoir, you cannot just wait until all the water you've poured into the machine runs through (like you can with the machines that hold only a cup of water in their reservoir) but you have to stand by to shut off the water flowing through the grounds when you've made enough. Therefore, you can make your espresso as strong or as weak (that defies logic!) as you prefer. Don't worry; your "wait" will amount to less than a minute.
The controls are simple, yet efficient. The silver knob on the front has four positions, left to right: preheating water for steam off preheating water for coffee water flowing through the coffee. A red light indicates that the heating element is energized. A green light indicates that the water has reached its desired temperature for steaming or coffee, depending on the mode you've selected. The valve/knob on the top of the machine regulates the flow of steam through the nozzle to froth your milk.
The milk frothing nozzle is superior to any I have ever used. The frothing starts almost immediately and is a very efficient process. When the milk is frothed, click the control knob over two positions and you will probably find that the water temperature is ready to make coffee immediately. Less than a minute later, you're done.
The DeLonghi does not come with a milk frothing pitcher. It does have an attached grounds-tamper which is a convenient perk. My only complaint is that when making espresso, a few drops of water tend to drip out of the milk frothing nozzle, as if there is minor leak-by the valve. Also, before frothing milk, I drain the steam line into a separate cup to purge a teaspoon to a tablespoon of water from the line before the steam is expressed.
I am delighted with this DeLonghi Espresso Maker and recommend it highly.
I've had the DeLonghi BAR 32 for 14 months now. It gets used at least three times a day up to ten and I still love it! I have not any problems with it. I plan to buy more as gifts!